Crediting ChatGPT for Assistance
When ChatGPT helps
you with JavaScript code or explanations, follow
these steps to give proper credit:
- Acknowledgment:
Begin your code or documentation by
acknowledging that you received assistance
from ChatGPT in crafting your solution or
understanding the problem.
- Describe
ChatGPT's Role: Explain how ChatGPT
contributed to your solution. Did it provide
code snippets, algorithm insights, or
debugging tips?
- Original Code:
If ChatGPT provided code, make sure to
rephrase and adapt it to fit your
assignment's requirements. Avoid directly
copying and pasting code.
// Acknowledgment: ChatGPT provided insights and helped debug this code.
// The following function calculates the factorial of a number.
function calculateFactorial(n) {
// Your implementation here.
Using JavaScript Tutorials
JavaScript tutorials into your assignments?
Follow these guidelines:
- Cite the
Tutorial: Mention the tutorial's title,
author, publication date, and provide a link
if available.
- Specify
Sections: If you used specific sections or
code examples from the tutorial, clearly
indicate which parts were referenced.
- Add Your Own
Code: Always add your unique code, and
ensure your assignment reflects your
understanding of the material.
// I followed the tutorial "Introduction to JavaScript Functions" by John Doe (Published on September 1, 2023, at www.example.com).
// In this assignment, I applied the concepts from the tutorial to create custom JavaScript functions:
// Your code here.
Utilizing Code Examples
When integrating code
examples from the web or documentation, adhere
to these principles:
- Source
Attribution: State the source of the code
example by providing the URL, author, and
publication date if available.
- Explanation:
Include an explanation of how the code works
in your assignment and why you chose to use
- Modifications:
If you modify the code example, specify the
changes made and the reasons behind them.
// I found the following code snippet on www.examplecode.com, posted by John Smith on July 15, 2023.
// I used this code as a foundation for my project with the following modifications:
// Your modified code here.
Collaborating with Others
In collaborative
JavaScript assignments, ensure proper credit to
- Acknowledgment:
Mention the names of your collaborators and
their specific contributions to the project.
- Collaboration
Details: Provide information about how you
worked together, whether through pair
programming, code reviews, or other methods.
// Collaboration Credit: I collaborated with Jane Doe on this JavaScript project.
// Jane contributed to the user interface design and helped troubleshoot issues.
// Your code and explanations here.
Referring to Open Source Projects
When leveraging
open-source JavaScript libraries or code, follow
these steps:
- Project
Reference: Clearly state the name of the
open-source project or library you used.
- License
Compliance: Ensure that you adhere to the
project's license requirements, including
proper attribution if necessary.
// I integrated the "Chart.js" library (licensed under MIT) for data visualization in this project.
// The library can be found at www.chartjs.org.
// Your code utilizing the library here.